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My Services

Therapy tailored to you.

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Adult Psychology

I hope to support you to develop a stronger and happier self by providing you with an understanding of the mind and body as well as practical skills for managing everyday challenges. I work with adults in the following areas:


  • Anxiety and worry

  • Depression and mood challenges

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Relationship difficulties and interpersonal connecting

  • Identity and relationship to self

  • Stress and burn out



I hope to support adolescents to make sense of their experiences, develop skills for effectively coping with the challenges they face, and to develop a more confident sense of self. I work with adolescents in the following areas:


  • Worry and anxiety

  • Emotion regulation and impulsive behaviour

  • Depression and mood challenges

  • Social difficulties and interpersonal connecting

  • Identity and self


Children and Parents

Tackling mental health challenges in childhood can have lasting benefits for your child’s development, including resilience, engagement in schooling, and positive interpersonal relating. I hope to give parents the tools to best support their child and build healthy, cohesive family systems. I work with children and parents in the following areas:


  • Behaviour problems and difficulty with emotion regulation

  • Anxiety including phobias, worry, separation anxiety, and social/performance anxiety

Interested in learning more about the services I offer? Get in touch with me today to set up an initial consultation.

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